Chanukah is not only a fun holiday, but the story behind it is great too! It’s not the most important holiday that we celebrate, but mostly a holiday for kids to experience. My tradition growing up was to light the menorah each night, recite a few prayers, open gifts (one […]
Tag: Birthday
My Birthday {2012}
December is a really busy month in general, but especially busy for me! There is a lot going on. Between Chanukah, my birthday, Christmas and New Years we are all running around trying to get things done. I wholeheartedly believe in celebrating the little joys in life. Therefore I’ve always […]
Dollar Tree
I love finding useful, valuable things at the Dollar Tree. You never know what you are going to find. I came across this article that I wanted to share. I’d like to add the following to Rachel’s list: Tablecloth – good for birthday parties and quick clean up gatherings. Kids […]
FREE Birthday Card
Go to for a FREE birthday card. Add the recipient’s address and Cardstore will even send it for you for FREE! I just made and sent one to a friend whose birthday is coming up. Yay for freebies!
Sesame Street
I didn’t grow up watching Sesame Street. I was into Kidsongs and Barney (I know how lame! But hey I had younger sisters ;) ). Hubby however was a real fan of SS and watched it often. So often he knew certain episodes by memory! From the first day Sarah […]