Shabbat 1000 {2014}

For the fourth year in a row my family and I have participated in The Jewish Federation’s Shabbat 1000 celebration. It’s a city wide program were 1000 Jews shine a moment of community togetherness and Jewish pride. After receiving my confirmation email securing our spot we received our Shabbat box […]

Pickle Recipe

I recently went to a Pickle Making Class at my synagogue. There are many recipes to choose from on line, but going to a class and doing it myself seems like a lot more fun. I normally buy a jar of Kosher Dill Spears (doesn’t matter the brand). However after […]

Merlot Brownies

I recently made Merlot Brownies for my mama friends who absolutely loved it. The recipe is so yummy, I just had to share with all of my readers. Plus it’s super easy! -Ingredients- A box of milk chocolate brownies, 1/4 cup of chocolate chips, and 1/4 cup of red wine. […]