I’m linking up with some awesome bloggers for some random fun.
What we’re eating this week…
Forgive me for the horrible pictures, but I have a thing or two to learn about food photography. Now that I’m working out and paying more attention to what I eat, I am sticking to proteins and vegetables for dinner. I still make a carb several times a week for the rest of the family, but otherwise this is what I have been eating.
What I’m reminiscing about…
Ice skating with this cutie!
What I’m loving…
I’ve been kickboxing 2-3 times a week with my friend, Brandi. It’s sooo much fun! It’s also an AMAZING workout. It kicks my butt every.single.time!!
What we’ve been up to…
Sarah and I are LOVING getting pressed juices. Our favorite is called Balance.
What I’m dreading…
The summer heat! It’s already been in the 80’s and 90’s and it’s only spring. I love summer but not when it’s 100 in the morning.
What I’m working on…
I’m planning an intimate sit down for a few of my friends. I’ve always wanted to host a fancy dinner for my friends, but with the move and the baby that hasn’t happened. I’ve been working on the menu and planning the evening! Think yummy food, wine, lot’s of wine and a fancy table. Eeek! So excited!
What I’m excited about…
Flying to Florida for our annual trip! Ahhh can’t wait to see my family.Last time I visited it was for unfortunate circumstances.
I’m also going to Stagecoach with a few friends. Can’t wait!
What I’m watching/reading…
What I’m listening to…
Sarah has been asking for this song lately.
What I’m wearing…
Lot’s and lot’s of workout gear. Speaking of, I’m looking for new sneakers. What’s your favorite? Please comment below.
What I’m doing this weekend…
We have a Cat in The Hat event at the library, my friend Nicole’s birthday dinner and revamping our garden now that weather is warm. We got this beauty last year! We’ve been having so much fun getting fresh fruits and vegetables from our garden.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
My first born will be 5 years old!!! How did she get to be so big?
What else is new…
My favorite aunt is coming for a visit! Last time she visited we took her on a fun LA tour.
Question of the month is: What is your Easter traditions? We don’t celebrate Easter, so the next Jewish holiday is Purim. The best part of this holiday is the yummy cookies called Hamentashen.
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Wednesday!