What we’re eating this week…
What I’m reminiscing about…
My grandma recently passed away. I flew out to her funeral last week so I wasn’t able to post my What’s Up Wednesday until now. What I’m loving…
Spending one on one time with Jacob at our Babychino class. Not only is he the youngest baby but he usually falls asleep in the middle of class too. However I love this time we get to spend doing something that is just for him. What we’ve been up to…
Sarah has attended 3 different camps this summer. We did 2 weeks at VBS. 1 week at the Rec Center and the rest of the time she has been going to gymnastics camp. What I’m dreading…
Dropping and picking up Sarah from school while Jacob naps. As Jacob gets into a routine, it’s going to be harder to just pick up and leave.
What I’m working on…
Our neighborhood garage sale. I’ve gotten together with some neighbors for a big garage sale.
What I’m excited about…
Fall! I love the cool weather, boots and scarves! Oh and pumpkin everything!!!!What I’m watching/reading…
On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and watching…
What I’m listening to…
Today’s Country Radio on Pandora. I love me some country music ya’ll!
What I’m wearing…
Tanks, shorts and sandals. It’s my go to summer look. Check out my virtual closet here.
What I’m doing this weekend…
Absolutely nothing and I am SO happy about it! We’ve had plans every weekend this summer so to wake up and lounge around all day sounds delightful!
What I’m looking forward to next month…
My girls weekend with my moms group! We are going to Vegas for 3 days and 2 nights! As Vicki would say, we are going to “whoop it up!”
What else is new…
I’m still nursing and I really can’t believe it. With the all the complications I’ve had, mastitis and the constant feedings I’m still going strong. Question of the month is: What will you miss most about Summer?