I’m linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer for some random monthly fun.
What we’re eating this week…
My kids are big fans of pancakes, but sometimes due to time and busy mornings that’s just not possible. I’m a big fan of the brand Kodiak Cakes so when I was saw they had microwaveable pancakes cups, I was sold. Yum! This stuff is so good!
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! A cup of hot coffee and some kind of egg dish is my perfect pair. A few years ago hubby made this breakfast for me and I’ve been hooked ever since. Some people call it egg in a basket, egg in a hole, or even one eyed jack. Whatever it’s called it’s my current fav!

What I’m reminiscing about…
Spending the weekend with love for our 10 year anniversary!

What I’m loving…
Target’s new feature Drive Up! Do you have it in your town? I love it! You order your items on your app. Then they send you a message 2 hours later (mine was only 1.5 hours later) that’s is ready to be picked up and tada, you drive up, click on I’m here on your app and THEY WALK OUT TO YOUR CAR AND HAND YOU YOUR BAG!!!! No more over spending, or taking a cranky toddler or a daughter that always wants to “look” at the Bullseye section! It’s been amazing! I highly recommend it.
What we’ve been up to…
The Woolsey fires hit really hard in our town! Jacob’s school is still not operable, A few of Sarah’s classmates and teachers lost their home. After 2.5 weeks Sarah returned to school where she received sweet messages from her teacher and principal.

What I’m dreading…
What I’m working on…
Cleaning out my home! Yes, I always say this, but if I don’t toss/donate/sell things every few weeks my home gets cluttered and that drives me crazy!
What I’m excited about…
Seeing snow! We are planning our annual snow day trip to Lake Arrowhead. Here we are last year at Mt Frazier.

What I’m watching/reading…
I had a little cold last week so I took some time during the weekend to recharge. I grabbed Reese Witherspoon’s new book, some hot tea and box of tissues.

What I’m listening to…
My friend Sarah has the funniest Podcast called, LA Chicks. I’ve been listening to it while cooking dinner. So fun!

What I’m wearing…
Lot’s of GREEN! I wore the color green 3 different ways while on my anniversary trip.

What I’m doing this weekend…
Celebrating Chanukah! It starts on Sunday and I can’t wait!! I love seeing the holiday joy through my kids eyes. We also have a birthday party, my aunt Aline’s birthday, a synagogue event, taking the kids to the zoo and a friends Chanukah party to attend. Phew! It’s going to be a busy one.

What I’m looking forward to next month…
My birthday! I turn 37!! I’m so thankful to have my health, my family and loved ones in my life.

What else is new…
Someone recently asked me my what my hobbies were. I looked at them and totally blanked. Ummm other then nap time and bed time, I don’t have time to my self. Then I saw this and new I had to share it.

Question of the month is: What is your favorite Elf on the Shelf trick?
Well since we don’t celebrate Christmas or have an Elf on the Shelf I thought I’d share my favorite candle instead. I usually get my candles from Bath and Body Works, but after the super strong fall candles we got I decided to look for something that wasn’t so strong. I found this cinnamon and nutmeg candle at Homegoods the other day and just love it!

Happy Wednesday!