I’m linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer for some random monthly fun.
What we’re eating this week…
Monday – Salmon patties and carrot fries
Tuesday – Leftover Shabbat stew
Wednesday – MNO with the girls so I’m eating out and hubby is ordering food.
Thursday – Burger and roasted veggies.
Friday – Crock pot lemon chicken, cous cous and sweet potato souffle.
Saturday and Sunday – out
What I’m reminiscing about…
Spending time with little Sarah at mommy and me. It feels like just yesterday we were doing all the things Jacob and I are doing at mommy and me.
What I’m loving…
Spending time Sarah. We’ve having some great mommy and me date nights while we hit the bat-mitzvah circuit.
What we’ve been up to…
The kiddos have already got to wear their Halloween costume a couple times this week. Sarah is Kooky cookie from Shopkins and Jacob is trash truck.
What I’m dreading…
Looking for a new babysitter. Our babysitter got a job and is no longer available to watch the kids. It took J a long time to trust our sitter so I’m worried it’s going to take a long time once again.
What I’m working on…
Self care. It’s so so hard for me to take care of my self. Sure I take the time to go out with my girlfriends here and there but scheduling an appointment for myslef or getting things done for myself has become so hard. I have waves where I take care of my self and then months go by and I haven’t done anything for myself. I’m realty going to try and make those appointments, not cancel them when kids stuff come up and take care of me.
What I’m excited about…
Getting all fancy and wearing these shoes for my sister’s wedding. What I’m watching/reading…
Hubby and I look forward to Thursday nights!
What I’m listening to…
Wolves by Selena Gomez and MarshmelloWhat I’m wearing…
I’m loving my new prAna pieces! You can too by using my code MMSKF17 for 15% off your total order. Click here for more info.
What I’m doing this weekend…
Boo-ing neighbors, attending a few Halloween events and carving pumpkins.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
My sister’s wedding!!!!!! Ahhhh I can’t wait!What else is new…
I am loving my laser cut pumpkin I ordreed a few weeks ago. I’m thinking of painting it, but not sure if I should just leave as is. Thought? Question of the month is: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
I’m not a huge fan of Thanksgiving food. There I said it.
I find the food boring and bland. But if I had to pick something it would be the stuffing. I love the endless possibilities.Happy Wednesday!